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You've reached out to us regarding documents you've misplaced or lost, which were initially provided by us. Policy Overview 2. Here's our procedure: When documents are finalized—signed, witnessed, and notarized—we hand over the original copies directly to our clients. At this point, clients also sign a receipt acknowledging they have received these original documents. Background 3. Since our establishment in 1993, there have been instances where documents were signed prior to the widespread use of scanning technology. Despite this, we have incurred considerable expenses to scan and digitize a majority of our files, though not all. Document Retrieval Process 4. To furnish you with a copy of your documents, we adhere to the following steps:
Fees and Charges 5. Our fees: Digitizing and maintaining our files in an accessible and distributable format has cost us thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours. The process to retrieve and prepare these documents as outlined incurs a fee of $350. Payment Instructions 6. To proceed, please remit a check for $350 payable to 'Joel Bernstein'. This fee applies whether or not we successfully locate the requested copies. We always spend at least an hour looking for documents regardless of whether we have a copy or not. Thus, our non-refundable $350 charge. When we receive the fee, we will deposit it, and it belongs to us whether you later find the original documents or not. So, PLEASE first look for the documents. Recommendation 7. In light of the fee involved, we strongly urge you to first attempt locating the original documents. Please do not confuse the original documents with a red binder we formerly provided that contained UNSIGNED copies of the documents. The original documents typically were handed to clients in a manila envelope either grey or yellow or in a blue plastic envelope. Billing Policy 8. Regarding our charges: Our hourly billing rates range from $250 to $400. It's important to note that the fees charged for document retrieval do not generate profit for us. While the law requires us to keep copies for 6 years, we often exceed these legal requirements. For some clients, we have maintained copies for up to 30 years. As a result, we have expended a significant amount of energy and money to comply with and exceed these requirements. We urge you to keep this in mind with your request. It will not expedite your request for you to demand an immediate, without charge response to your request. We expect politeness and intend to be polite. Where to Send Check 9. Send check to Joel Bernstein, Attorney, 33 Bedford Street, Suite 13, Lexington, MA 02420. Please include the following with your check:
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