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Holliston is a charming town with diverse residents, including professionals, families, and retirees. It also offers excellent schools, community amenities, and a blend of suburban and rural settings. This diversity, combined with an average home price of $610,000 in 2024, highlights the importance of a comprehensive estate plan. And values in Holliston are going up. The wealthier you become, the more important it is to plan ahead.
Ready to talk with an experienced estate attorney to protect your investments & properties? |
Stop feeling the pain of procrastination for years on end. Don’t let the state get more than their share. Avoid costly and stressful probate court. Save others from making the wrong medical wishes for you. Prevent an outdated will from ruining your plans.
Ready for an estate plan to distribute your wealth after you pass? |
Get the right estate plan for your needs. Know how to lower your estate taxes. Stay far, far away from probate courts & costs. With an expert, moi, to guide your planning process. And, enjoy the peace of mind knowing your survivors won’t fight it out—because you took care of business.
All with documents that are easy to understand, written for regular people. |
Ever feel the constant weight of not having your affairs in order? Maybe even embarrassed because it’s expected by others? Or, does estate planning seem overwhelming & complicated?
To demystify estate planning. To see it’s not that complicated. So you can take care of your loved ones.
Wills & Trusts aren’t part of what I do. It’s all I do.✓ Practicing law for Wills & Trusts since 1992
✓ Written 4000+ Wills and Trusts ✓ Built this business on referrals Read our Google reviews |
How would it feel to think and say, “My affairs are in order, my family is taken care of?” Nice, right?
(1) A quick callWe’ll chat for 10 minutes to learn more and see if we’re a match.
(2) schedule a consultationLearn the why, what & how for your estate plan, well worth $150, which we’ll apply to your final fee.
(3) Plan your estateIdentify beneficiaries & documents. Establish Power of Attorney & Health Care Proxy, I’ll follow up twice year to keep everything in order.
Joel BernsteinFounder of MA Wills & Trusts
Ready to live with…
More confidence—less fear? More control—less chaos? More responsibility—less chance? And, more serenity—less worry? That’s what happens when you face, not avoid, planning your estate’s future. And, when you understand everything clearly. I use plain English to explain what’s going on, to clarify your options & to answer your questions. The same applies to the documents you’ll read, review & sign. All along the way--you’ll 'get it.'
Massachusetts Wills & Trusts
Wills ∙ Trusts ∙ Power of Attorney ∙ Health Care Proxies |
Most middle-aged people aren’t ready for their inevitable death. We make estate planning simple, affordable, and quick. So people can live in peace, knowing their affairs are in order.
Copyright © 2025 by Joel Bernstein. All rights reserved. Disclaimer
The material is provided for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. This Alert may constitute attorney advertising and is not intended to communicate with anyone in a jurisdiction where such an Alert fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of the jurisdiction.